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Welcome to Majestic Fellowship Church!

Majestic Fellowship is a non-denominational church. We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We emphasize worshipping God in Spirit and in truth, as well as, growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ through the study of God's word.  II Timothy 3:16 states, All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Our strategy is to transform lives, one person, one family at a time through discipleship. Come and grow with us!

Service Times & Location

Majestic Fellowship Church

(Located in Babcock Presbyterian Church)

8240 Loch Raven Blvd Towson, MD 21286

Phone: 410-961-6486  | Email:

Rev. Alex Young, Jr. Pastor

Zoom Meeting ID: 118-366-580 Password: 002947


Worship Service:

Sundays @ 12:30 pm Communion: 1st Sundays

Bible Study on Zoom: Thursdays @7pm

In-Person Bible Study: 3rd Sundays @3pm

Women's Fellowship:  2nd Saturdays @1pm

Men's Fellowship: 2nd Saturdays @1pm